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By: X. Kasim, M.A.S., M.D.

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Conditioning fruit by intermittent warming or stepwise lowering of temperature can also reduce chilling injury medications zyprexa purchase endep online from canada. Oleocellosis can occur during harvest when excessive squeezing force is used to remove fruit from the stem symptoms chlamydia buy cheapest endep and endep. Symptoms of oleocellosis appear in the packinghouse or in storage symptoms checker order endep 50mg line, and can be exacerbated by degreening medications you can take during pregnancy buy cheap endep 75mg line. Blossom-end clearing is most commonly found in late harvested, thin-peeled red-pigmented grapefruit. The wet, translucent area that develops dominantly on the blossom end results from the leaking of juice from the segments to the peel. Green ring is a physiological disorder that appears on early-season grapefruit in Florida. The disorder is characterized by failure of the peel to degreen in circular areas around fruit-to-fruit contact points. Interest in long-term storage of grapefruit has developed for the purposes of extending market availability. Ethylene Production and Sensitivity the grapefruit is a nonclimacteric fruit and does not exhibit a classic ripening pattern of increased respiration and ethylene production. Degreening is necessary for marketing earlyseason fresh grapefruit in areas where night temperatures remain high. In these cases, 1 to 5 L L-1 ethylene for periods of 12 h to 3 days is used to cause the destruction of peel chlorophyll. Postharvest Pathology Physiological Disorders Granulation, or section-drying, affects late-season grapefruit dominantly on the stem or stylar end of the segment. Granulation can be severe in larger fruit stored for extended durations (Burns and Albrigo 1998). Postharvest grapefruit decays generally fall into two categories: those that develop as a result of colonization or infection on the fruit before harvest (stem end rots, anthracnose, and brown rot) and those that develop by inoculations made through wounds made during harvest or subsequent handling (blue and green mold and sour rot). Stem end rots develop as latent infections on the fruit button (calyx and disc) and begin growth through the core after harvest. The decay develops unevenly at the stem and stylar ends resulting in wavy margins. Stem-end rots are a problem with grapefruit grown in warm humid climates such as Florida but are rare in Mediterranean climates. Diplodia natalensis is prevalent in early-season fruit if temperatures are high and degreening is used. Development of Phomopsis citri is favored during the winter months when temperatures are low and degreening is no longer necessary. Alternaria citri is a less aggressive fungus that can be problematic in overmature grapefruit and those in extended storage. Often the symptoms of alternaria, internal black discoloration generally towards the stem end, are not visible until the fruit are cut. Anthracnose, Colletotrichum gloesporioides, is a minor problem that can appear on lateseason fruit. Brown rot, caused by Phytophthora citrophthora, appears more frequently in mature fruit and fruit stored for longer durations at low temperatures. Green and blue mold, caused by Penicillium digitatum and italicum, respectively, invade fruit through wounds made during harvest handling. Immature fruit are resistant to sour rot (Geotrichum candidum) infection, but as the fruit mature, the disease can become a problem.

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Primary refers to cases in which the underlying biochemical defect causing hyperuricaemia is not known symptoms gallstones discount endep online mastercard, while secondary denotes cases with known causes of hyperuricaemia medications or drugs 25mg endep fast delivery. Hyperuricaemia of metabolic origin this group comprises about 10% cases of gout which are characterised by overproduction of uric acid medications enlarged prostate purchase endep 10 mg without prescription. The causes of primary metabolic gout include a number of specific enzyme defects in purine metabolism which may be either of unknown cause or are inborn errors of metabolism medicine 2015 purchase 10 mg endep with mastercard. The secondary metabolic gout is due to either increased purine biosynthesis or a deficiency of glucose-6-phosphatase. Hyperuricaemia of renal origin About 90% cases of gout are the result of reduced renal excretion of uric acid. Altered renal excretion could be due to reduced glomerular filtration of uric acid, enhanced tubular reabsorption or decreased secretion. Acute gouty arthritis this stage is characterised by acute synovitis triggered by precipitation of sufficient amount of needle-shaped crystals of monosodium urate from serum or synovial fluid. There is joint effusion containing numerous polymorphs, macrophages and microcrystals of urates. Acute gouty arthritis is predominantly a disease of lower extremities, affecting most commonly great toe. Other joints affected, in order of decreasing frequency, are: the instep, ankles, heels, knees, wrists, fingers and elbows. Chronic tophaceous arthritis Recurrent attacks of acute gouty arthritis lead to progressive evolution into chronic arthritis. Tophi may be located in the periarticular tissues as well as subcutaneously such as on the hands and feet. Tophi are surrounded by inflammatory reaction consisting of macrophages, lymphocytes, fibroblasts and foreign body giant cells. When the giant cells are numerous in localised tenosynovitis, the condition is called giant cell tumour of tendon sheath. Clinically, they present with pain, swelling and limitation of movement of the affected joint and may be easily mistaken for rheumatoid or infective arthritis. Giant cell tumour of tendon sheath (Nodular tenosynovitis) the localised nodular tenosynovitis is seen most commonly in the tendons of fingers. G/A It takes the form of a solitary, circumscribed, pedunculated, small and lobulated nodule, measuring less than 2 cm in diameter. M/E It is well encapsulated and is composed of sheets of small oval to spindle-shaped cells, foamy xanthoma cells, scattered multinucleate giant cells and irregular bundles of collagen. G/A the synovium has characteristic sponge-like reddish-brown or tan appearance with intermingled elongated villous projections and solid nodules. The enlarged villi are covered by hyperplastic synovium and abundant subsynovial infiltrate of lymphocytes, plasma cells and macrophages, many of which are lipid-laden and haemosiderin-laden. The most common location is dorsum of wrist but may be found on the dorsal surface of foot near the ankle. It may be the result of herniated synovium, embryologically displaced synovial tissue, or post-traumatic degeneration of connective tissue. It may or may not communicate with the joint cavity or tendon where it is located. M/E the cyst has a wall composed of dense or oedematous connective tissue which is sometimes lined by synovial cells but more often has indistinct lining. G/A the bursal sac is thick-walled and may contain watery, mucoid or granular brown material. M/E the bursal wall is composed of dense fibrous tissue lined by inflammatory granulation tissue. The wall is infiltrated by lymphocytes, plasma cells and macrophages and may show focal calcium deposits. The muscle nuclei are spindle-shaped and lie at the periphery of fibre under the sarcolemma, the plasma membrane of muscle fibre. The cytoplasm of the muscle fibre contains myofilaments which are contractile elements. Myofilaments are of 2 types-myosin comprising thick filaments and actin constituting thin filaments. The muscle, however, cannot function as a contractile organ without a nerve supply. For this purpose, there are motor units, each of which consists of the following: 1.

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Also called coronary coronary vein / krnri veIn/ noun a vein that drains blood from the muscles of the heart coronavirus /k rn vaIrs/ noun a type of virus which has been identified in people who have the common cold coroner / krn/ noun a public official, either a doctor or a lawyer, who investigates sudden or violent deaths coronary sinus coronary thrombosis coronary vein coronavirus coroner 90 the uterus for implantation of the fertilised ovum. Also called crutch croup /kru p/ noun acute infection of the upper respiratory passages which blocks the larynx, affecting children crossmatching cross-resistance cross-section crotamiton crotch croup crush fracture / kr fr kt/ noun a fracture by compression of the bone crush syndrome / kr sIndrm/ noun a condition in which a limb has been crushed, as in an accident, causing kidney failure and shock crus of penis / kr s v pi nIs/ noun a part of a corpus cavernosum attached to the pubic arch crust /kr st/ noun a dry layer of blood, pus or other secretion that forms over a cut or sore crutch /kr t/ noun 1. The syndrome causes swelling of the face and trunk, weakening of the muscles, raised blood pressure and retention of salt and water in the body. Also called Delhi boil cutdown / k tdan/ noun the procedure of cutting a vein to insert a cannula or administer an intravenous drug cuticle / kju tIkl/ noun 1. Also called fibrocystic disease, cystic fibrosis drains the gall bladder cystine / sIsti n/ noun an amino acid. It can cause stones to form in the urinary system of people who have a rare inherited metabolic disorder. If diagnosed early, cystic fibrosis can be controlled with vitamins, physiotherapy and pancreatic enzymes. Daltonism / d ltnIzm/ noun the commonest form of colour blindness, in which someone cannot see the difference between red and green. D & C /di n/ abbr dilatation and curettage dander / d nd/ noun very small fragments that fall from the feathers, hair or skin of animals or people dandruff / d ndrf/ noun pieces of dead skin from the scalp which fall out when the hair is combed. Also called day day surgery dark adaptation /d k d p teIn/ noun the reflex changes which enable the eye to continue to see in dim light. For example, the pupil becomes larger and the rods in the retina become more active than the cones. It ensures that all information is stored securely and allows people to have access to their entries. In everyday language, data is often used with a singular verb: the recent data supports our case. Also called day case day patient care / deI peInt ke/ noun care for patients who are resident in a hospital during the daytime only day recovery ward /deI rI k vri w d/ noun a ward where day patients who have had day case surgery day centre day hospital day nursery day patient day patient care day recovery ward for a time He was deafened by the explosion. Symbol da Decadron / dekdrn/ a trade name for dexamethasone decalcification /di k lsIfI keIn/ noun the loss of calcium salts from teeth and bones decannulation /di k nj leIn/ noun the removal of a tracheostomy tube decapitation /dI k pI teIn/ noun the act or process of cutting off the head of a person or animal decapsulation /di k psj leIn/ noun a surgical operation to remove a capsule from an organ, especially from a kidney decay /dI keI/ noun 1. Symbol dB death rate debilitate debilitating disease debility debridement decaDecadron decalcification decannulation decapitation decapsulation decay decidecibel deciduous /dI sIdjus/ adjective referring to teeth discarded at a later stage of development deciduous dentition /dI sIdjus den tIn/ noun the set of twenty teeth which are gradually replaced by the permanent teeth as a child grows older deciduous tooth /dI sIdjus tu / noun same as primary tooth decilitre / desIli t/ noun a unit of measurement of liquid equal to one tenth of a litre. Also called chiasm decongest decongestant decontamination decortication decrudescence decubitus decubitus ulcer decussation deep deep 102 defibrillation /di fIbrI leIn/ noun a procedure to correct an irregular heartbeat by applying a large electrical impulse to the chest wall, especially in potentially life-threatening circumstances. Also called cardioversion defibrillator /di fIbrIleIt/ noun an apparatus used to apply an electric impulse to the heart to make it beat regularly defibrination /di faIbrI neIn/ noun the removal of fibrin from a blood sample to prevent clotting deficiency /dI fInsi/ noun a lack of something necessary deficiency disease /dI fInsi dI zi z/ noun a disease caused by lack of an essential element in the diet such as vitamins or essential amino and fatty acids deficient /dI fInt/ adjective not meeting the required standard deficient in something not containing the necessary amount of something His diet is deficient in calcium or he has a calcium-deficient diet. Opposite superficial deep cervical vein /di p s vIkl veIn/ noun a vein in the neck which drains into the vertebral vein deep dermal burn /di p d ml b n/ noun a burn which is so severe that a graft will be necessary to repair the skin damage. Also called full thickness burn deep facial vein /di p feIl veIn/ noun a small vein which drains from the pterygoid process behind the cheek into the facial vein deeply / di pli/ adverb so as to take in a large amount of air He was breathing deeply. If someone drinks during the day less liquid than is passed out of the body in urine and sweat, he or she begins to dehydrate. Also called hepatitis delta delirious delirium delirium tremens delivery delivery bed delivery room delta delta hepatitis ous leishmaniasis delicate / delIkt/ adjective 1. Also called dendron dendritic /den drItIk/ adjective referring to a dendrite dendritic ulcer /den drItIk ls/ noun a branching ulcer on the cornea, caused by a herpesvirus dendron / dendrn/ noun same as dendrite denervation / di n veIn/ noun the stopping or cutting of the nerve supply to a part of the body dengue / de i/ noun a tropical disease caused by an arbovirus transmitted by mosquitoes, characterised by high fever, pains in the joints, headache and rash. Also called breakdendritic dendritic ulcer dendron denervation dengue accept that he or she has a serious medical problem Denis Browne splint / denIs bran splInt/ noun a metal splint used to correct a club foot [Described 1934.

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It may occur spontaneously in older individuals past 50 years of age treatment room cheap 10mg endep with amex, or may be secondary to trauma in the region of head and neck medicine etodolac purchase 75mg endep free shipping. There are 3 pathogenetic mechanisms of retinal detachment: i) Pathologic processes in the vitreous or anterior segment symptoms 5 days before missed period cheap 25mg endep free shipping, causing traction on the retina medications 2015 purchase endep 50mg amex. The causes of such end-stage blind eye are trauma, glaucoma and intraocular inflammations. Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness because of the ocular tissue damage produced by raised intraocular pressure. In all types of glaucoma, degenerative changes appear after some duration and eventually damage to the optic nerve and retina occurs. This is due to anatomic continuation of the subarachnoid space of the brain around the optic nerve so that raised intracranial pressure is passed onto the optic disc area. The condition occurs due to immunologically-mediated destruction of the lacrimal and salivary glands. M/E Many of the lesions can be placed in well-established categories such as tuberculous, syphilitic, mycotic, parasitic, foreign-body granuloma etc, while others show non-specific histologic appearance having abundant fibrous tissue, lymphoid follicles and inflammatory infiltrate with prominence of eosinophils. The tumour is seen mostly in the upper eyelid (basal cell carcinoma is seen more frequently in the lower eyelid). M/E the tumour may show well-differentiated lobules of tumour cells with sebaceous differentiation, or may be poorly-differentiated tumour requiring confirmation by fat stains. Spindle A melanoma is composed of uniform, spindle-shaped cells containing spindled nuclei. Spindle B melanoma is composed of larger and plump spindle-shaped cells with ovoid nuclei. Epithelioid melanoma consists of larger, irregular and pleomorphic cells with larger nuclei and abundant acidophilic cytoplasm. These tumours are the most malignant of the uveal melanomas and have poor prognosis. Mixed cell type melanomas have features of spindle cell type as well as of epithelioid cell type. In general, uveal malignant melanomas are usually slow-growing, late metastasising and have a better prognosis than malignant melanoma of the skin. Uveal melanomas spread via haematogenous route and the liver is eventually involved in 90% of cases. It may be present at birth or recognised in early childhood before the age of 4 years. About 60% cases of retinoblastoma are sporadic and the remaining 40% are familial. Such individuals have a higher incidence of bilateral tumours and have increased risk of developing second primary tumour, particularly osteogenic sarcoma. G/A the tumour characteristically appears as a white mass within the retina which may be partly solid and partly necrotic. The tumour may be endophytic when it protrudes into the vitreous, or exophytic when it grows between the retina and the pigment epithelium. M/E the tumour is composed of undifferentiated retinal cells with tendency towards formation of photo-receptor elements. In the better differentiated area, the tumour cells are characteristically arranged in rosettes. The rosettes may be of 2 types-Flexner-Wintersteiner rosettes characterised by small tumour cells arranged around a lumen with their nuclei away from the lumen, and Homer-Wright rosettes having radial arrangement of tumour cells around the central neurofibrillar structure. Besides direct spread, the tumour can spread widely via haematogenous route as well. Common primary tumours that metastasise to the eye are cancers of the breast in women and lung in men. The external ear comprises the auricle or pinna composed of cartilage, the external cartilaginous meatus and the external bony meatus.

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